Grace Community Church of Riverside: To take Jesus Christ to lost people and lost people to Jesus Christ

Women's Ministries

Women need women and we’re all about helping them make lasting connections with God and each other. To that end, we offer Bible studies called S.E.T. APART (Study/Encouragement/Training), activities for fellowship and opportunities to introduce people to Christ at events like our bi-annual breakfasts.

If you would like to find out what drives us or join us as we seek to represent Christ in our world, watch the calendar and your bulletin for upcoming events. Connection Central in the lobby can provide information about current S.E.T. APART group studies which are also posted in the bulletin schedule each week.

Want to Help with Grace's Cafe?


If you'd like to help in this ministry, please let us know ONLINE. If you prefer, you may call our church office at 951-352-8685 or include a note on your registration card Sunday morning.