Grace Community Church of Riverside: To take Jesus Christ to lost people and lost people to Jesus Christ

Grace is committed to God's directive to His church to make diciples of all nations. While we can't all go, we can all support, whether systematically or as needs arise, those whom God has called to share the good news. The following are some of the organizations and individuals Grace supports.


Pastor Brian spent the summer of 1995 studying in Israel with Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Executive Director of Ariel Ministries and was impressed with his passion for the presentation of Jesus Christ to the Jews. Grace supports Ariel Ministries' three-fold purpose: to reach Jews for Jesus Christ, to establish Messianic Churches around the world and to provide a more systematic understanding of the Scriptures from the Jewish perspective.

Dr. Fruchtenbaum is one of the most respected biblical scholars in the world and his book, The Footsteps of the Messiah, is considered the best systematic presentation of the Book of Revelation in print.


Hope Now For Youth in Fresno, California, is a Christian emergency rescue team for young men, ages 16 to 24, who are gang members or have criminal records. Through caring relationships, practical help and employment, Hope Now aims to lift gang members from the streets to a life of hope and success. This also gives Hope Now opportunity to introduce these men to Jesus Christ as the hope for life now and life eternal, to God as the heavenly Father who cares far more than any earthly father, and to the Church as the loving family that will not abandon them.


Hope Now Bible Church began in 2005 as a support for young men and their families who are involved with Hope Now For Youth in Fresno, CA. Teaching through the Bible verse by verse, the pastors at Hope Now keep the message simple without diminishing the life-changing challenges of God's Word.

Hope Now Bible Church has established mission churches in Sangor, CA, under Pastor David Maravilla, and in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, under Pastor Chantha Kong that we also help support.


No one is confronted with more situations that demoralize and create emotional, mental and spiritual burdens than today’s police officer and firefighter. These burdens can affect the first-responders family; other members of his or her department, as well as the community. Living Shield Ministries primarily provides—and trains others to provide—a ministry of presence, compassion, support and counsel to men and women (sworn and non-sworn) of law enforcement and the fire service and their families, as well as the unfortunate victims of crime.


Many sincere African believers have been called into church leadership throughout the continent of Africa. TLAfrica, under African leadership with oversight by both African and American boards, seeks to better equip them with education and material support to serve God more effectively. We partner with TLAfrica to help these local pastors impact the villages, cities, nation and world through effective evangelistic and relief ministries.


Sandie Freeman, a longtime member of Grace, is serving as a nurse educator through the Christian and Missionary Alliance at Bongolo Hospital in Gabon Africa.


If you'd like to help in this ministry, please let us know ONLINE. If you prefer, you may call our church office at 951-352-8685 or include a note on your registration card Sunday morning.