Grace Community Church of Riverside: To take Jesus Christ to lost people and lost people to Jesus Christ

Periodically, groups from Grace have traveled to locations both inside and outside the continental United States to help in short term mission projects. These projects can be as simple as helping to construct a new bathroom to helping with the presentation of the gospel to adults or children.

Additionally, individual members of our church family have served abroad in China and Africa for 1-5 weeks.

In all these trips, our goal is to open doors to share Christ whether we are the ones sharing or are simply preparing the way for others. No amount of doing good for a man will profit him if he loses his soul and only Christ saves souls, so we strive to share His offer of salvation while helping where we can.

Mission Mexico Trip


If you'd like to help in this ministry, please let us know ONLINE. If you prefer, you may call our church office at 951-352-8685 or include a note on your registration card Sunday morning.