We want you to feel at home and provide a number of opportunities for you to make connections with others at Grace.
First and foremost is our deep desire for you to learn more of who God is as He has revealed Himself, not as formal religions, the media, your friends, family, co-workers, educators, authors or strangers—right or wrong—have portrayed Him. To achieve this, we want to help you study the Bible in depth. We offer 2 Sunday morning services at 9:00 and 10:45 AM and Prime Time ministering to the whole family, nursery to adult, on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM for that purpose. We also offer classes and group Bible studies of varying difficulties to help you understand the Bible further and the impact it can have on your priorities and decisions.
We provide support, training and opportunities to obey God through baptism, communion, personal Bible study, evaluation and use of your spiritual gifts, sharing Christ with friends and encouraging others.
As you become involved with others in these pursuits, you’ll find yourself developing lasting friendships. But to help encourage broader friendships, we offer Barnabas groups, where small groups gather once a month to socialize and encourage each other in informal settings. These groups have also become catalysts for helping those who need help in practical ways.
You’ll want to check out our Men's and Women's Ministries for other family or gender-specific activities.
We encourage you to join us…it just might change your life!