Grace Community Church of Riverside: To take Jesus Christ to lost people and lost people to Jesus Christ

If you regularly attend Grace, you will come to realize that we believe in the power of God's word, the Bible. On an individual level, we strongly encourage you to read the Bible daily. We even provide a suggested Reading Schedule to help you develop a daily discipline. Additionally, we would encourage you to attend a Bible study.

We offer a mid-week study at the church during the Spring and Fall Semesters for adults during Prime Time for the whole family. This is the most convenient of our studies as it allows the whole family to participate with concurrent studies for high school, jr. high, Grace Kids (K-6) and childcare in our nursery.

We also offer small group study and accountability for men called Platoons and for women called S.E.T. Apart that meet during the week. Platoons are often year-around, but S.E.T. Apart groups may break for the summer with children out of school.

If you are a young mom, we have a limited participant study for preschool moms. This study, led by Cheri Swift meets on Wednesday mornings in the Spring and Fall Semesters. Childcare for infants and toddlers is provided.

Dig deeper into the Bible


If you'd like to join a small group, please let us know ONLINE. If you prefer, you may call our church office at 951-352-8685 or include a note on your registration card Sunday morning.